Bell Canada
I have a complaint about Bell Canada. We have recently moved and we decided to cancel our bell phone but keep the internet and television with them.
Bell came in to install the internet, the phone in the house we moved into had primus and we did not want to change it.
We advised Bell Canada that Primus was our home line.
Bell came in and installed a dry loop and made up another phone number so the internet can go thru the number. thanks to this we were left without a phone for a week.
Bell keep saying to contact primus to reconect our phone, I spent at least 4 hours with them on the phone each time I called I was on the phone with them for an hour (mind you I was calling from my cell phone, which now those bills are going to be insane)
They would transfer me from one person to the next and could not resolve the problem and everytime I was transferred I had to explain everything all over again.
This all started last monday march 2nd, by wednesday I demanded to have a technitian come in to fix the problem and ofcourse they said nobody would be able to come not until saturday. I got very angry and finally they sent an express technitian which they will
be charging me $75 dollars on my bill, but then I would have to call back to have the charge removed (so they do not make anything easy for the consumer).
The technitian came in on thursday and he was not able to fix the problem instead he said it would be easier if we just did both internet and phone with bell.
They offered me after all the troubles 2 months of free internet and a minor discount on our internet. But the phone was still not working.
I called primus and asked to reconect us and they came and did it but the line was still not working because Bell had the dry loop to they tied into our phone line and primus could not get in. I had to call yet again to have them remove the dry loop.
Primus sent me the package for internet and connected our phone in no time. I can still use the bell internet with primus, mean while this incompetent company Bell did a a big ordeal because they could not conect us to the internet with out loosing our phone.
Primus said to me that Bell only had to call the to get a circuit number and the internet would have been up and running with no hassle.
I have 3 children and was with out phone for one whole week and bell did nothing at all, nor did they care.
I called them to find out why they did this and ended up getting so angry that I cancelled the internet with them and for sure the TV will be the next thing. I found this company very arrogant and rude.
I wanted to speak to a manager and I had to fight to get a manager they did not want to transfer me to the manager, their excuse was they are too busy and have their own jobs, this is what I was told by Bell.
I told the guy isn’t this why managers should be available to deal with very angry customers. The guy refused to transfer me to the manager, finally I spoke to what I presume was a manager It could have been anyone else just to get me off.
The manager said there was nothing they could do and transfered me yet again for the third time to some one else, I got very frustrated and cancelled my internet because that person kept putting me on hold. every 5 minutes.
Nobody could resolve nor try to calm me down, they did not care I cancelled.
I want everyone to know the type of company that bell is, they tried to take us for fools so they could yet again monopolize everything in our house. All I want from them is to be gone for good and out of my house and warn people about this awful company.
when I called for the last time to have the dry loop disconected, I had to cancel yet again my internet.
During the time we were with Bell we were over charged huge several times in a matter of a few months we had to call back. One time our bill was 300 dollars and when we called it dropped by 200 does this sound correct? They overcharge as well to see
how much they can get away with and their bills are so complicated that you have no idea what they are really charging for.
This article was submitted by one of our readers. Penciltrick cannot make any claims as to its authenticity but the article was accepted on a good faith belief that it is an accurate and truthful account of the events listed.
August 14th, 2012 at 2:58 pm
I totally understand. I too had a recent bad experience with BELL Canada. Their Customer Service is super frustrating! As a matter of fact, I emailed my story to on July 24, 2012, but I don’t see it posted.
As I read this story, I wondered why you wanted to keep Primus phone line. Why not simply have it all with Bell?
October 17th, 2012 at 12:50 pm
Alot of people agree that Bell is a huge consumer ripoff there is a facebook page called Bell sucks. You should check it out.