The Consumer Complaints Blog

Fighting the trained monkey in modern society.

April 1, 2012

Clear Wire

Filed under: Service Based — Editor @ 11:11 pm

ALERT: Do not do business with this bunch. This complaint has two messages. #1 and most distressing is CLEAR WIRE is like all other cyber-related businesses. Their customer service representative will speak with a thick accent and you will probably not understand what you hear. After two or three conversations with these people, you will know not to trust them either. Confirmation #’s you recieve during your business discussions with them are worthless. Their representatives names are bogus usually using an “All-American” name such as “Jim”, “Jerry”, “Tracy” or some other familiar sounding name to assure you initial confidence. They are obviously unsupervised and follow some COMPANY “Canned program” to settle your problem. Worthless to say the least. #2 They hide behind their own inability to communicate to avoid definate commitments to your needs. As said before their confirmation #’s for account settlements are worthless and their practice of billing and drafting bank accounts for payments are not affected by a properly managed customer cancelation of an account. They will continue to draft an a closed account. Closing the account is the only way a consumer can pick these leaches off their back. It sucks to think a former high officer of AOL owns this abortion and promotes these practices to run his business. DO NOT USE THEM or TRUST THEIR BUSINESS PRACTICES. You will not like the outcome.

This article was submitted by one of our readers. Penciltrick cannot make any claims as to its authenticity but the article was accepted on a good faith belief that it is an accurate and truthful account of the events listed.

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